Obsessed Runner Blog

2019-03-13 - Pointless runs

randy flowersYesterday I had a fun point to point run, something I don't do often enough. There is a strange motivational quality to running someplace as opposed to ending up where you started. I guess that makes sense at some level. Due to the nature of a point to point run, once you start, it's kind of like you are all in, if you're headed home or to work or whatever, you will need to finish this run no matter what. With the high winds we've been having, running point to point can make for a pleasant run on an ugly day. That said, yesterday was a beauty and my run was a bit uphill and into a light headwind, still, a rewarding run all around, adding to my sense of accomplishment and sense of adventure. I need to remember to ask more often, "Hey, which way are you headed? Do you mind dropping me off along the way?"

Turn your loop into a straight line today,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, keeping it fun and getting it done.

P.S.: There is some warm weather in the forecast which means there is RUNNING in the forecast! There is less than five weeks until our favorite OUT OF THIS WORLD race weekend. REGISTER NOW for the Martian Invasion of Races 5K, 10K, 13.1M, 26K or 26.2M on April 13, 2019 in Dearborn, MI! Don't miss glitter fill finisher medals, custom technical shirts to all entrants and a day filled with more Martians than you can imagine.

2019-03-07 - SUCK IT, Winter!

anna winterBaby Goat here... The Head Goat is out of town and I've gone ROGUE!

Let's face it, people, this winter is never going to end! I'm cold, I'm tired, and I do not want to get my butt out the door! I'm tired of washing my running jackets, I'm tired of hunting for the perfect hat for the specific temperature of the day, I'm tired of wet socks... So you know what winter, SUCK IT!

Let me explain to you what I just did there... When I was a high school runner I invented a little game called "1, 2, 3, complain." The concept was very simple, on those days I just didn't want to do it, I would say "1, 2, 3, COMPLAIN" and spend the first minute or so of my run complaining out loud. So put your shoes on and get your butt out the door, start your run by shouting about all the things you're sick of... maybe even throw in a SUCK IT, WINTER! It will get you giggling, you'll have gotten all that nonsense off your chest and you're already through the hardest few minutes of your run.

Dig all your winter gear out and get out the door,

Baby Goat, an admittedly (not quite as) obsessed runner... who can't wait to tell winter how I really feel tonight!

PS: Show winter you're over it as loudly as possible by joining us Sunday morning, March 10th for SHAMROCKS AND SHENANIGANS! The temps are actually looking up! Online registration closes tomorrow at NOON, so REGISTER NOW FOR 5K or 1K. All of the proceeds from Shamrocks and Shenanigans go to Save A Heart supporting patients and families at the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital Congenital Heart Center.

2019-03-01 - Running is pure, true and simple

randy flowersThe daily run is not liberal or conservative, has no religious affiliation and has no enemies. The daily run can help lower blood pressure, contribute to cardiovascular health and has many other physical and mental health benefits. Rich or poor, in good times or in bad, the daily run is accessible to us all. Running events are celebrations of the human spirit, bringing together millions of people that support each other and share common goals and aspirations.

The daily run is yours and is just outside that door,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, can you tell?

PS: We had a very human moment yesterday, If you saw on Facebook and in your e-mail that you had until the end of the day yesterday to sign up for the OBERUN YPSILANTI EARLY BIRD PRICE... we were aaaaalmost right. February is hard... right?! So.. BONUS! You have until the end of the day TODAY to pay the early bird price for the Oberun 5K in Ypsilanti, MI on June 21, 2019. Summer, friends, fun and OBERON!

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