Obsessed Runner Blog

2019-04-03 - I can, because I run

martianA wise old runner said, I don't run because I can, I can because I run. Our fitness level gives us access to so much life has to offer. We can fly up a flight of stairs or park in the far corner of the lot at Costco and not be in the tangle of cars vying for a front row spot. We can visit New York City and take in all the sites on foot, even walking from Battery Park to Central Park. Yes, running can add years to our lives and life to our years. Really, a new study shows a fir 75 year old is twice as likely to live to 85 than somebody with a sedentary lifestyle.

Get out the door today, so you can get out the door forever!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who was amazed to find out the results of a study that showed those who ran in the Martian Invasion of Races experienced better sex lives, made more money and were found to experience more joy and happiness than dead people! Enter here and live it up!

P.S.: DAYLIGHT. SUNSHINE. WARMER FORECASTS. Any of these things have you feelin' good? Turn your face toward the sun, breathe in the fresh air and let yourself feel inspired for a big year of FUN and RUNNING! Here are some fun favorites to add to your list:

Hightail to Ale 5K
Atwater Brewery - Detroit, MI
May 10, 2019

Oberun 5K
Wiard's Orchard - Ypsilanti, MI
June 21, 2019
Celebrate the Summer Solstice with a 5K run/walk to a beer garden!

2019-03-27 - Yikes, spring running!

martianIt has been an odd and brutal winter. Spring seems to have taken us by surprise and it's hard to wrap our heads around the idea that it's time to line up and enjoy some races! CHARGE!!! Next up will be the Martian Invasion of Races, the 5K and 10K courses are perfect for those of us not quite ready for a spring Half or Full Marathon! I've run plenty of events in my life and can say that the Martian 10K course is a great one. It starts with 3 miles of stately old Dearborn neighborhoods followed by 3 miles of a wide, winding paved path through woodlands skirting the back of The University of Michigan Dearborn and past the Fairlane Manor, an architectural gem built by Henry Ford and his bride Clara at the turn of the century. The races start and finish in the heart of downtown West Dearborn and many bars and restaurants in town have post-race discounts and specials for those wearing a race medal!

It's time to COMMIT and RUN,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is digging a bit of sunshine and looking forward to the upcoming invasion.

P.S.: DAYLIGHT. SUNSHINE. WARMER FORECASTS. Any of these things have you feelin' good? Turn your face toward the sun, breathe in the fresh air and let yourself feel inspired for a big year of FUN and RUNNING! Here are some fun favorites to add to your list:

Hightail to Ale 5K
Atwater Brewery - Detroit, MI
May 10, 2019

Oberun 5K
Wiard's Orchard - Ypsilanti, MI
June 21, 2019
Celebrate the Summer Solstice with a 5K run/walk to a beer garden!

203-21-19 - Fight the good fight.

randy flowersAfter the brutality of an endless winter, it only takes one nice day and then we hardly need a motivational push out the door to get in the run. The reality is that we will quickly forget the cold and start blaming the heat, our busy lives or whatever excuse we need to knock back the priority of our daily run. Our health is everything and the run is a big part of it, not just the run itself but the healthy changes in lifestyle we make due to our commitment. We all know how easy it is to lose focus when we are not facing a health crisis, then, one day, we wake to see a person in the mirror we never thought we'd be, or worse, wake up to one of the many diseases caused by poor choices. Yikes!

Hang tough and get your butt out the door,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with as many excuses as can be imagined, continually digging myself back to the surface to fight the good fight.

P.S.: DAYLIGHT. SUNSHINE. WARMER FORECASTS. Any of these things have you feelin' good? Turn your face toward the sun, breathe in the fresh air and let yourself feel inspired to kick off spring at the Martian Invasion of Races! Only 3 week to go, REGISTER NOW for the Martian Invasion of Races 5K, 10K, 13.1M, 26K or 26.2M on April 13, 2019 in Dearborn, MI! Or check out the other race dates below--beer adventures, trail adventures, tri adventures and more!

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