Obsessed Runner Blog

2019.11.13 - Trust the run

randy freepI run most miles on trails and this early heavy snow had me feeling down today as I opted for the road. As usual, all worries about weather, my route and motivation evaporated as I got into the rhythm of the run. The snow under foot made me forget there was a road under there as the whole world turned into a trail! The moral of the story, always trust the run, not your attitude or motivation, just get your butt out that door and the run will take care of the rest!
Keep the faith,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who admits to continuing to being a clueless idiot when it comes to how I feel about going out that door ... A doubting Thomas.

PS: Spice up the winter run with a trip to downtown Dexter for a silly hilly run or walk at the Holiday Hustle! Hit the streets for 5K or 1 mile of festive fun. Cozy beanies to all entrants, fun medals to all finishers. Be there on Saturday evening, December 14th!

2019-10-31 - Ugly running days

randy potoNovember weather is usually consistent - Consistently MISERABLE! It's time to go easy on ourselves but a goal of getting out the door at a minimum of every other day is in order so we will be in shape to eat Turkey and survive the holiday parties coming at us. No mileage goal needed, once you get out the door that part works out fine, just get out the door. Remember, all runs are good runs once they are over! Yes, I do repeat the important stuff!

Pull em' on, lace em up, and you know what,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner. An often wet, cold and stumbling through the dark runner but always happy I got out the door.

PS: Spice up the winter run with a trip to downtown Dexter for a silly hilly run or walk at the Holiday Hustle! Hit the streets for 5K or 1 mile of festive fun. Cozy beanies to all entrants, fun medals to all finishers. Be there on Saturday evening, December 14th!

2019-10-23 - We Made the News

randy freepIt's nice to see running show up in the sports section, where spectator sports seem to be all that matters to the world. First, a sub two hour pace marathon run by Olympic Gold medalist and world record holder Kipchoge, yes, just a kind of publicity stunt by a man who has nothing to prove, not a true record due to drafting, pacing and all they did to make it happen but it made for some great press! And a day later, Brigid Kosgei shattered the women's world record in the marathon with a 2:14, a record that stood for 16 years. Unlike all the sports that most of the world follows from an armchair and have never competed in, we have a true connection with world class runners. We train and compete, we understand commitment and how it feels to get out the door while the world sleeps, we know what it's like to push our bodies to their limit. When our sport makes the news, we, in a sense, also make the news, heck, without us, they would not have headlines like, Kipchoge prevailed, coming in 1st ahead of 42,000 runners in the race!

Get out and bask in the glory,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who has lined up to race against the world's best in races like New York, Boston and London ... Just like several hundred thousand other runners who lined up, just sayin'!

Looking for an event to shatter the world record at? Join us at the starting line! The rest of 2019 dates and all 2020 race dates can be found HERE!


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