Obsessed Runner Blog

2020.02.12 - Resting isn't giving up

anna winterBaby Goat here, Step-ping in for the midweek run-mail!

For one of the first times in my running career my training has been going exactly as planned. Meeting all of my own expectations and actually completing my miles has given me such a surge of energy in my day-to-day life and a newfound sense of self confidence. Unfortunately, like most hot streaks, mine has come to a temporary "end." Over the last week plantar fascitis snuck in to test my patience and my spirit. I am dying to push through this setback and overdo it to keep the hot streak and my inflated confidence alive. I have to remind myself that this (probably much-needed) rest isn't me giving up on the streak, it's just REST. It definitely wont kill me and in the long run may not even affect my training. Listening to my body and backing off now will ward off any detrimental injury and allow me to come back refreshed when I've healed up!

Anna Przybylski, an admittedly not quite as obsessed runner who is headed out for a short walk, not because I'm giving up... but because I'M RESTING!

PS: BEER! RUNNING! THE BEAUTIFUL DETROIT RIVERFRONT! Join us Friday night, May 8th in Detroit, MI for the Hightail to Ale 5K. This Friday night party with a 5K warmup has BEER, swag, live music, food trucks... and did we mention BEER! Register now!

2020.02.05 - Break free

randy winterI don't believe we should ignore the problems of the world but it helps to leave them behind and head out the door for a head clearing run. It may take a mile to turn off the noisy part of the brain, kind of like trying to fall asleep, it sometimes takes a conscious effort to unhook. I have found having a mental checklist helps the process, a systematic way to live in the moment. After a while, the habit becomes second nature, a part of my run. I'll shuffle along for a minute or so, then do a form check, I hold in my abs and get my posture straight, add a bit of a forward lean, make sure my cadence and my turnover are quick so I won't over stride. Next, it's time to look at my surroundings, take in the smells, the sounds and the sights ... If I'm lucky, this part will go on until the run comes to an end. Darn.

Break Free,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who still has yesterday's muddy country road run etched in memory to go to anytime I might need it today.

PS: Run and give back! Shamrocks and Shenanigans is just around the corner. Join us March 15th in downtown Ann Arbor for 5K or 1K... you'll get your run in, and do some good! All proceeds from the Shamrocks & Shenanigans are donated directly to Save a Heart, an organization that raises funds to benefit patients and their families at the Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. Register now!

2020.01.29 - Nerds got nothin' on us

randy winterWe fart, we burp, we pee in the woods, we change in our car, we have piles of clothes that stink and we have more shoes than Lady Gaga. We actually PAY big bucks to run 3.1 miles and have an embarrassingly large pile of t-shirts to prove we did this. In this modern, temperature controlled world we are often wet and cold or hot and sweaty. We have big ugly plastic watches that cost as much as a Rolex. All that said, how come we have this smug feeling of satisfaction and superiority over the average American every time we run out that door?

You know why. Smile and get out there!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is feelin' pretty superior today after a hard workout and run!

P.S. Add the Trails In Motion Trail running Film Tour to your calendar for a motivational afternoon to launch your running into spring! The Ledlenser Trails In Motion Film Tour is an annual international film tour that brings a collection of the finest trail and ultra running films to passionate audiences around the world. Join like-minded trail runners and adventure sports enthusiasts on Saturday, March 14th at the Farmington Civic Theater!

PS: Run and give back! Shamrocks and Shenanigans is just around the corner. Join us March 15th in downtown Ann Arbor for 5K or 1K... you'll get your run in, and do some good! All proceeds from the Shamrocks & Shenanigans are donated directly to Save a Heart, an organization that raises funds to benefit patients and their families at the Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. Register now!

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