2011-09-07 - Share Our Joy

I often bring up the importance of sharing the gift of running. That said, many of us may be just a bit too excited about our sport, especially while training for an event. (OK, what I mean is you might just share my problem!) We need to be sensitive to our non-running friends and family members who might not be excited to hear about our workouts, long runs, total weekly mileage, pace or race plans. The best way to share our joy is to let them see that that we are productive, fit, helpful and concerned... if they get the idea that our running contributes to that, the gift has been shared.

Do you want to see my race medals?

I'm packing the hippy bus and hope to see you in the crowd this weekend! Runwoodstock.com

Run for the world to see,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who ... has nothing more to say.


PS - I'm getting ready to camp out on the land and set my soul free!

Join me for the most valuable runs (And classic rock) of the year the weekend of September 9th, see runwoodstock.com 

Run any or all of the weekend events, a great way to get in marathon training mileage or just a much needed hippy hike and perhaps a bit of Yoga... Peace Out.



PS: Volunteers Needed!

On top of all the "thanks" and "you rock" you will get throughout the day, you also get an awesome volunteer shirt, a $30 coupon toward any Running Fit event (includes race shirt) and a great feeling for giving back to your sport! 


hippie van Run Woodstock - Sept 9, 10, 11 - Pinckney, MI
We need a few more folks for the 100M Aid Station midnighht shift...

Click here for more information on the Running Fit volunteer program and the online registration link for Run Woodstock 

or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


dwd Dances With Dirt - Hell - Sept 24 - Pinckney, MI

Click here for more information on the Running Fit volunteer program and the online registration link for DWD-Hell 

or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


  Fall 20 Mile Training Run - Sept 24 - Westland, MI

Click here for the online registration link for the Training Run 

or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

January 19, 2011 - Do the Work

The recent Movie covering the 12 person, 198 mile Hood to Coast Relay, followed a team of non-runners who entered the event with almost no training. Each person ran (covered) about 18 miles by running (walking) 3 legs of about 6 miles each. They finished the event amazed and fulfilled by their accomplishment.

Ive often said you can put in the miles and do all the work before race day so that you can enjoy and savor the event, or you can enter the event under-trained and do all the work during the event. Both methods will give you a sense of satisfaction and personal fulfillment. (With the first, a much slower finish time than you were capable of and a miserable recovery period.)

The message here is that attempting something way out of your comfort zone and perhaps seemingly impossible, is often worth the risk. As the late running philosopher Dr. George Sheehan said, in a distance event we get down to bedrock, we find strength and courage we never knew we had, we give witness to a person we have never been before. In the race, we discover and form the self, perhaps our most important function, it is an adventure in self discovery! Whatever you are considering, take the leap, just do it!

Live the adventure,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who realizes my perceived limits are most likely too conservative, yikes!

PS: Thinking Triathlon?
Winter, the perfect time to visit the 80 degree water or Running Fits Endless Pools and grab a lesson or just come swim in these amazing pools! Our Coach, Multiple Big Ten Swimming Champion, Olympic Trials Finalist (7th), NCAA Finalist, All-American, bla, bla, OK, we get it, she is the real deal! But the fact is, we dont care that she can swim fast, were excited to have her on the team because we know her true gift is her ability to make us swim fast! In 30 minutes, Christi can analyze your stroke and give you tips that will instantly make you a better swimmer at whatever level you are at now! http://www.ChristiSwims.com/about.html   Dont miss weekly Triathlon updates at rfmultisport.com

PS: Self Defense class has 1 more class! Running Fit: 5700 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor
Class date: 6:30 PM January 26th (Limit 15 people per class) $69
Online registration, click here . More info:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .