2013-06-26 - Escape to Reality

randy runningI believe many of us have been looking at running as an escape from reality, when in reality, running is an escape to reality! We start the preparation of escape by shedding our business attire and trappings of a complicated life and putting on our feather light, technical play clothes and footwear, a subtle change that seems to break us free and prepare us mentally to take those first steps.  We may run for 20 minutes or perhaps an hour, enjoying every minute of the endorphin flow and sweet rhythm of our body but the reality is that the gratification of the run lasts far beyond the cool down. After the run, the warm feeling in the chest and legs along with the feeling of rejuvenation and satisfaction (the running buzz) takes hold and lingers on for hours. Beyond this, the toning of the body and the new level of fitness we have given ourselves is like a suit of armor, making it possible to take on whatever the world throws our way. Dig it!

Play outside forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runners who goes nowhere without a bag of play clothes and fun shoes!

P.S. - Join Running Fit at the Novi Town Center Sidewalk Sale June 28-30! Running Fit will be offering  great deals on shoes! All the merchants in the center will be participating.

2013-05-15 - Run Bucks!

Yo run gang,
May 15, 2013

Randy...We rely on our bodies to pursue our sport; to the runner, the body and mind are one. I believe this gives us a huge advantage over the sedentary Americans, those who take the body for granted, often, ignoring diet and health in pursuit of what? Success and happiness?  All the intelligence and wealth in the world cannot give us what running has. Take a look at the physical condition of leaders of industry, Washington politicians and corporate ladder climbers, many seem to have sacrificed their bodies to that success. The moral of the story, a degree from Harvard, Yale, UM or State, and all the ambition in the world, without the understanding of a decent 10K personal best (Or at least a passion for some sport) won't get them what we've got!

Run Bucks! Running Fit is launching a very cool loyalty program this week, you now will earn in store cash with your purchases, get special members only deals, and personalized offers. I just want a hat with the Run Bucks Logo! (I'll work on this!) Click the link on the right to find out how to opt in and start collecting run bucks!

Live, love, learn, earn, run,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who feels running has given me ... everything.

PS: I love runs that make us smile, join the Running Fit crew in Canton, MI on June 15th at the Liberty Fest 5K and 10K as we attempt to once again break

Liberty Run Guinness Record the Guinness Book World Record for the most people dressed up as the Statue of Liberty! When we combine silliness and sport, we get to live like Peter Pan, with no need to ever grow up! Enter today; click here!