2016-04-06 - Fell off the running wagon? Running will welcome you back!
We strive for the complete fitness lifestyle, eating healthy, getting in the scheduled runs, workouts, core work, sleep, and getting in the personal best shape of our lives ... The reality for many of us are far too many days with work and family issues that get out of control, leaving us with no time for the workout, skipping meals and skipping sleep. Worse yet, we may follow it up with an overindulgent night out that we trick ourselves into thinking we deserve as the answer to stress reduction or some such nonsense, when we know the reality is ... a deeper hole. Fitness, like freedom, takes constant vigilance and hard work, a lifelong battle with victories and setbacks but always worth every ounce of energy we put forth. Never ever give up, each hard won fitness victory is sweet, and worth a lifetime of struggle. We start again today!
Run again,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, out there fighting the good fight, just like you.
PS: Need motivation? A running film festival might do the trick. Join me at Trails in Motion, the international trail running film festival as it comes to Dexter, Michigan, Saturday afternoon April 23. Get tickets here!
PS: RF Events is excited to announce its new ZERO WASTE goal! Beginning with our Trail Marathon Weekend event we will be working to present a visibly consistent attempt at recycling with the goal to eventually reach ZERO WASTE! Want to get involved? Check it out here!
2016-03-30 - Martian Motivational
Over 2,500 kids have logged the required 25 miles to toe the line for their 1.2 mile run at next week's Martian Kids' Marathon. These young athletes are learning long term goal planning and an understanding of delayed gratification, lessons that will take them far past the finish line. Kudos to IronMandy, a key player back here at Mission Control, for her dedication to growing this invaluable program.
Consider joining us as a volunteer at next week's Martian Invasion of Races (5K, 10K, 13.1, 26.2 and Kids' Marathon) The motivational value of helping others accomplish their goals is priceless. Seeing these rock star kids will give you hope for the future of this great country. Plan and accomplish your personal goals with the aid of the $30 event voucher you will get for volunteering! Click HERE to see the out of this world volunteer positions and time slots we have open, or to enter the invasion. The race day April 9th forecast here on Earth is for 55 and partly sunny.. just sayin'!
Run, help others run, race,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner back here at Mission Control where we are up to our A-- in aliens as we get ready for the final countdown.
PS: Martian is not the only opportunity to help others run! Click HERE to check out all of our upcoming volunteer opportunities! Vouchers and swag to all volunteers at all races!
PS: RF Events is excited to announce its new ZERO WASTE goal! Beginning with our Trail Marathon Weekend event we will be working to present a visibly consistent attempt at recycling with the goal to eventually reach ZERO WASTE! Want to get involved? Check it out here!