2016-05-18 - Run and amaze yourself
I go back to certain themes in my midweek running rant because they bear repeating. OK, the truth is, I need to hear them again. Our running is ours alone, we should NEVER compare ourselves to others. Our genetics, our past medical history, what we do outside of our running, for pleasure, for work, all come into play, we are a study of one. A 10 minute pace run with your body might in reality be a more of an impressive athletic accomplishment than a 7 minute pace by someone else. When we let ego into our running, we not only risk injury, we are not true to ourselves, we diminish the essence of what is special about our running life.
Run and amaze yourself,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who cheers on each race finisher ... because it's impossible to know whose victory is the sweetest.
PS: Get out your red, white and plaid! We want YOU to join us June 18th in Canton, MI for the insanely silly Canton Liberty 5K, 10K and 1 Mile parade fun run! Cantonlibertyrun.com
PS: Join us June 4th in Novi, MI, the land of malls and mansions, for a beautiful single track run through the woods, Flirt With Dirt 5K and 10K! You won't believe Novi's hidden gem, Lakeshore Park. We love this low key dirt run and you will too! runflirt.com Get out and run!
2016-05-11 - Savor each day
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, on the mend with a deep understanding of savoring every healthy day.