Obsessed Runner Blog

September 1, 2010 - Run fast, take chances!

Yo run gang,
I'm amazed at the volume of running articles and blogs focused on how to run races, or should I say, complete races, with the least training and fitness level possible. Yes, this information has a positive side, it lowers the intimidation level, brings new people to the sport and as John Bingham would say, "Gives them the courage to start", all good stuff. Because of the success of this message, the average finishing time for a marathon has gotten an hour slower in the past 10 years and similar slower averages are seen in shorter events. It's true that the joy of running can be experienced at many levels but I'm feeling a responsibility to add balance to the running message, spreading the word that it's also OK to train hard, run high mileage and to run FAST! Yes, it's a wonderful feeling and great accomplishment to finish a marathon even if it takes over 5 hours, but the world also needs to hear that it's VERY COOL to run a marathon time that starts with 3 hours or even 2 hours! With greater commitment to the sport comes greater risks but ... BIG TIME REWARDS, especially on the self esteem side. I should mention that running a Boston Marathon qualifying time is not out of reach if you dare to dream big! Check out this link and set your goal!  http://www.bostonmarathon.org/bostonmarathon/qualifying.asp.
How to get faster? Runners are creatures of habit. We run the same routes at the same time at the same pace. We don't get faster ... duh?  To get faster we have to jump on the track. To get faster we need to Increase our mileage, change our course, change our pace and maybe change our form. Are you ready to run fast and take chances? Read More.. .

Run fast, take chances,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner, who hopes to line up with you in Boston!

April 29, 2009 - Michigan winter has done its job!

Yo Run Gang,

Yesterdays run, 47 degrees, windy and raining and Im lovin it! Im so excited about every running day above 40 degrees that nothing can bother me; the Michigan winter has done its job!

Warm days are coming and for those of us who ran all winter outdoors, heat adaptation will be important. A good way to start is to overdress a bit on cool spring days. Its tempting to run in shorts, just because you can run in shorts! But even for my run yesterday at 47 degrees, I wore tights, jacket, gloves, hat, the whole bit. Overdressing on the cool days will pay off as the warm days hit. Heat is a serious enemy, an enemy that you cant dress for and need to respect; getting the body heat adapted will help.

One more tip, as the weather warms the combination of bare thighs, sweat and friction equals chafe. Im a huge Body Glide fan. Body Glide is comes in a form like a stick deodorant. It is a non greasy, long lasting chafe preventer. Try it on you nipples! (A guy thing).

Tis the race season! Join me this weekend at the races, Saturday, Live Like Andi 5k, 10k, 10 mile in Wixom, www.livelikeandi.org, and Sunday, Burns Park 5 & 10K in Ann Arbor, www.burnsparkrun.org.

Run, run, run, run, run, run,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner with no bare skin showing Yet!

August 20, 2008 - My last Olympic comments.

Yo Run Gang,

Watching the Olympic coverage offers us a great opportunity to analyze form. A time to study arm carry, forward lean, stride length and all that goes with efficient running, heck, why not learn from the best? While watching the mens and womens 10K I was in awe to see what seemed to be effortless sub 5 minute miles. I also noticed that the form of the elite athletes did not change much during the cool down and warm up miles, showing that we really can learn good form from world class runners and that pace is not a factor. Yes, even us schlock runners can learn to slog more efficiently!

My last Olympic comments Dont you just love the sports that dont need judges? Sports whose outcome is determined without opinion or politics? Sports where the winner goes the fastest, longest or highest? Bring on the running events!

Any cross country runners in the family? One last plug for spike night! Details are below.

Yes, Dances With Dirt is sold out but you can still have a chance to experience this wild event in the dirt by being a volunteer on The Dirt Crew Sept. 6th! Join me as we put on this impossible event, I promise a good time and lots of swag! Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and say, yep, its my turn to give back! Thanks.

Run efficiently forever,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner who is now thinking too much while out on the run.

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