2012-02-08 - All I Really Need To Know

How does that go? ... All I really need to know I learned by running a marathon!

I learned long term goal planning, time management and what is meant by delayed gratification. I learned about my body, how to eat healthy and get enough rest. I learned anger management (in the late miles), how to deal with success and how to deal with failure. I learned who I was and who I could be. Yes, somewhat clich, but running a marathon will change your life forever, I suggest you move it up on the bucket list if you haven't already.

Running Fit offers Running 101, a class for the beginning runner. So it only made sense to offer a 500 level class when you talk half marathon and marathon distance! Check out Running Fit 501, all other credit hours you have earned will pale in comparison. runningfit501.com

Run, Race, Learn,

--Randy Step, an obsessed runner on the road in search of a ... doctorial degree in running!

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