Obsessed Runner Blog

January 21, 2009 - Not too late for a spontaneous road trip!

Yo Run Gang,

Its amazing how the body adapts. Today I ran in sunny 19 degree weather and it felt warm, I was perhaps overdressed but it was great!

Another 10 days of slogging, off season running, will bring us to February 1st, the last of the fun winter races, The Super Bowl 5K, and the first day of spring training. Not exactly spring but February 1st is a good date to start taking your running a bit more seriously again. Time to get onto a schedule and aim for the spring race you entered. (NOT ENTERED? Guilt is a good coachs tool eh?) Check out www.martianmarathon.com  & www.runsuperbowl.com!

Did you know Track is the number one participant sport in Americas schools? No other sport even comes close! I believe the school coaches are true American heroes for what they do, the amount of time spent for little or no pay and putting up with our kids and us parents! Yikes! For those of you with kids in track, consider setting up a Track Night for their team at Running Fit. Well offer additional discounts, arrange for product give-a-ways (Fun stuff from the shoe companies), and give you a gift for the coach. Track Nights (Spike nights) are a great way to kick off the season and do some team building. Call 734-929-9026 and let us know what Running Fit store is closest and what dates work. Then, spread the word!

Not too late for a spontaneous road trip! Join this obsessed runner at the Bigfoot Snowshoe Race this weekend in Traverse City, see www.runsnow.com.  Better yet, escape to Florida for a half marathon in 2 weeks, cheap flights, cheap hotels and very cheap camping available. See www.danceswithdirt.com.

Enough promotional propaganda, get out the door and get in some miles!

Randy Step, an obsessed runner on an obsessive, but fun schedule

2013-01-09 - The courage to start

Yo run gang,
January 9, 2013

People joke about the New Year's fitness resolutions, the crowds at the health clubs, and yes, most of them crash and burn but setting long term event goals and making changes in behavior are tough stuff. We all have bad habits and can run smarter, eat better ...

We have bucket list items like running a half marathon, marathon, triathlon, trail race ... The reality is the New Year is a great place to start, a fresh page, a new calendar, month number one on the smart phone fitness app.! Set those goals now, pick specific, needed changes in your life and give it a shot. We are a work in progress. Some will stick and become part of the new us, we will fail at others but without trying we can't move forward. The courage to start is what matters, find it.

Off to see the wizard. What have you got that I ain't got, Courage!

Randy Step, an obsessed runner shooting for 3 yoga sessions a week, keeping up to date with my running log and rooting for you!

P.S. Running Fit's 2013 calendar of events is a place to find the goals that will keep your fire lit ... Find the courage to  .... Enter and commit! Yikes!


December 8, 2010 - Movie Night! Popcorn!

Yo run gang,

We live in a world obsessed with weight, body image, and diets. Along with this fixation the numbers of people fighting anorexia and bulimia and the amount of money spent on weight loss products, diets and fat reduction surgery has grown exponentially.  As runners and walkers, we are far from immune to this obsession and the many negative and even dangerous and addictive aspects of it. It's not like we don't know this stuff but I find it helpful to be reminded so we can take stock and be honest with ourselves.

We know the answer is not a weight loss diet but for us to work towards a healthy way of eating that we can live with and enjoy all our lives. Weight comes down to calories consumed, calories burned and the genetically pre-disposed bodies we have. Stay active and get out the door. Enjoy the physical and psychological benefits of the run on a regular basis and look for the joy it adds to your life. With our different genetic makeup and our own life story, we get in trouble when we compare. Forget body image and learn to love the body you have and appreciate the differences between us all. We are fast, slow, tall, short, big breasted, flat chested, bald, hairy, thin, heavy ... our differences are interesting and endless, like the differences in wine and food! Enjoy!!

Fast or slow, love yourself and love your run!

Randy Step, an obsessed distance runner, enjoying my runs more each year ... even as I slow down and get more wrinkles! Go figure?

PS: Join Us at the Movies!
Running Films are few and far between!

HOOD TO COAST follows four unlikely teams on their epic journey to conquer the world's largest relay race. The film captures the love, dedication, and insanity of the every day runner. As we follow four teams from their preparations through the big day, we realize that winning isn't everything in a film that takes a celebratory look at personal motivation and attempting the extraordinary. Plus, appearances from Alberto Salazar, Mary Decker Slaney, and Bart Yasso!

Running Fit is pleased to announce that the film will be released in theaters for a special, one-night event on January 11th, 2011 (1-11-11). Running Fit will host the show at two locations - The Ann Arbor 20 and the Livonia 20! Tickets are on sale now!  A great stocking stuffer for the runner who has everything. So don't miss your chance to see the movie!

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