Obsessed Runner Blog

April 15, 2009 - I love the peaceful solitude of a training run alone...

Yo Run Gang,

I love the peaceful solitude of a training run alone, my time to sort out the tangled world. I also like to run with friends, some for the conversation where pace and distance matter little and some for the motivation where pace and distance are maxed and challenged. Last but not least, I love to line up on race day and find out where I stand, mostly to compete with myself but yes, to see how my time compare to others and To duke it out!

Running is a personal sport; nobody else cares about our race times, our weekly mileage or our running pace. That said, nothing about lining up for a race should make us feel nervous or self conscious but for many of us, no matter how many times we toe the line, those feeling creep in. Once the race has started and we settle in, the jitters fade and the fun begins. I can understand how entering an event for the first time can be perceived as an almost insurmountable challenge for the beginning runner. We have all faced that hurtle. Those of us who finally leave our comfort zone and take the plunge find that the fears or preconceived ideas of racing were silly, holding us back from the full enjoyment of the sport. I just received this email that expresses it well.

For me as a beginning runner (and mature runner-51 years old). I also want to tell you how much I enjoyed the Meteor 5K. I walked a bit more than I wanted to but still got a lot of running in- I saw a few people doing what I was doing- that was very motivating too!! I am so glad these runs are open to everyone, runners and walkers no matter what level you are at

Spread the word! Share the gift of running and racing with friends, perhaps put them on our email list or just forward it on. For a good first time race, I suggest The Fit 5K, 7:05 PM Wednesday evening April 29, 2009, perhaps the most low key event in the state, a great first race, a fun midweek diversion for us all! Enter at www.runfit5k.com.

Now, how about getting over that first time Triathlon hurdle? Yikes! No Yikes about it, dont become a dinosaur, check out the T-Rex Triathlon Sprint Series. The first event of the season is the Triceratops Tri, Wednesday June 24, 2009, another midweek, low key, fun event! Dust off the Schwinn Varsity and join us at www.runtrextri.com.

Get out and race!
Randy Step an obsessed runner (And closet Triathlete) still spreading the word.

May 25, 2011 - Running Burn Out

Yo run gang,


Actual Reader Question: "I'm feeling burned out by the daily running grind, any suggestions?"

My witty response: NO WAY! How can anyone burn out on running? Time to shake things up!


Plan tomorrow's run for the lunch hour or the evening if you normally run in the morning.

Run in the woods if you normally run on the road. Better yet, go run a trail or road late at night with a headlamp!

Start and finish your run at a lake and dive in ... preferably naked! Yikes!

Try some GU, new shoes, new route, new run partner or run with a group... Like at one of the weekly runs from the Running Fit stores!  (Running Fit Group Runs)

Put a beer out a mile from home, knowing you get a beer for the cool down mile may fire you up!

Run a race. Don't even make plans, don't train, just find one on line (runmichigan.com) and go!

Get someone to drop you off a long way from home with no way to get back but to run!

Drive to a spot some evening then run home. In the morning, run back and get your car.



Got the idea?

I'm off to run the Bayshore Half in TC this weekend and the Virginia Wine Country half next weekend, join half2run.com and join the challenge!

Run wild,

Randy Step, an admitted, lifelong obsessed runner with no burnout in sight!



PS. A great cause:  The Scleroderma 5 K Run 2 Mile Walk

Sunday June 26, 8:00 AM - Detroit Zoo, Royal Oak, MI  


Join us at the World-Class Detroit Zoo in Royal Oak. The cool thing: your entrance fee for the 5K race and 2 mile walk includes an ALL DAY admission pass into the Detroit Zoo (a value of $11for adults, $9 for seniors and $7 for children) All of the proceeds will benefit the Scleroderma Foundation. The 5K run winds through beautiful Hunting Woods neighborhoods with the finish line in the Detroit Zoo. The 2 mile walk is through the Zoo.


More Info & Registration: http://www.scleroderma.org/chapter/michigan/2011walks.shtm 



PS. Volunteers Needed for Flirt With Dirt!

Saturday June 11 - Novi, MI 


Come  join us in Novi, the land of malls and mansions....Can you believe they have 6 miles of gnarly single-track dirt trails? That's where you'll find the cool people on June 11 ... Not down the street at 12 Oaks Mall!

 Click here for more info & to fill our our online volunteer form or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

On top of all the "thanks" and "you rock" you will get throughout the day, you also get an awesome volunteer shirt, a $30 coupon toward any Running Fit event, including race shirt, and a great feeling for giving back to your sport!

2011-11-16 - Kids Running!

As the running year winds down it's time to set our goals for next year to light the motivational spark that will keep us training through winter. The Martian Invasion or Races on April 14, 2012, offers every distance from 5K to the Marathon, commit now and give your off-season miles even more purpose. Enter at martianmarathon.com and your path will be lit.

That said, we can do the same for our kids, or friends with kids, by sending them to martianmarathon.com/kids where they can find the downloadable training guide plus a schedule in coloring book form. Last winter, over 1,000 elementary students logged 25 miles to earn a spot on the Martian Kid's Marathon starting line where they ran the last 1.2 miles of their 26.2 mile marathon journey.

Yes, they got the same medal as all marathon finishers and a marathon finisher's T-shirt but they also got to learn from experience about the commitment of long term goal planning and the success it can bring; there is no greater award we can offer today's youth as they go forth in life. Sign them up individually or get an elementary school club involved. Each year we do many full school assemblies to kick off their Martian programs, Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.

Also, check out runfitkids.com for another place to motivate your young runner.

Run with purpose,
Randy Step, an runner obsessed with making plans to keep the passion lit.

PS: Bring the kids to the mile at Dexter's Holiday Hustle to fire them up to run the Martian Kid's Marathon
Naughty or nice, walker or runner, come breathe in the December night air and give back to others. A silly, hilly out and back course that will take in the neighborhood light displays and give you a chance to see the flashing gang ahead or behind you!

Flashing gang? Yes! Register early and the first 500 get a choice of some flashing or jingling flare (to be picked up at packet pick up).

This charity event donates $5 of your entry fee to local Dexter charities. Bring canned or non perishable food items for the needy and get a raffle ticket for each item! Raffle items from Running Fit to include 2 $50 gift cards, 4 $25 gift cards, gloves, hats, bags and more!  
Volunteer Now! Holiday Hustle 5K

PS: Volunteer for the Holiday Hustle! December 3, Dexter, MI

On top of all the "thanks" and "you rock" you will get throughout the day, you also get an awesome volunteer shirt, a $30 coupon toward any Running Fit event (includes race shirt) and a great feeling for giving back to your sport! Volunteer Now!

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