2017-03-08 - I hate running!

randy flowersRecently, I've come across two tongue-in-cheek articles by passionate runners, explaining how they hate running. Cute lines like, "I even have 3 pairs of my favorite running shoes that I hate to run in" and, "I usually hate running 5 days a week but shoot for 6". Both articles ended the same, explaining that the worst thing about running is the fear that one day, running might not be an option and how would they go on. The love/hate relationship is hard to explain, but love song lines like," I love you so much that it hurts", resonate with us all. The most difficult things in life give us so much in return, we learn who we are and who we might be. Nothing good comes easy is a reality, we only truly appreciate the things we work for.

Let's get out and get in some hard earned miles, miles that will take us above the astral plane,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is about to head out for an awful run in the wind and cold, and can't wait!

PS: Want to walk the Martian Marathon for FREE?! Click HERE for more details and please pass along to anyone you think would be interested!

PS: ¡Olé! Join us for a Cinco De Mayo celebration like no other! Once every 7 years the Hightail to Ale 5K will fall on this festive holiday! Be there May 5, 2017 in Detroit, MI for a beer filled afterparty with a 5K warm up!

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