2013-10-09 - I NEED to Run

randy runningI have found running and now I am a runner, no longer do I just want to run, I need to run. My need for running is like my need to get outside, it's like my need to get to the woods. Running is my natural fix. Running is a place I must go to recharge my body and mind, like an ancient druid that gets supernatural powers from contact with the earth, I draw clarity and energy with each foot fall. A walk in the woods works wonders; add sweat and it's like throwing on the holy waters of baptism, cleansing me from deep in my soul to the surface of my skin.

Perhaps the need to run comes from the get down to basics nature of our sport. Running is so unlike the complicated, computer generated framework that has come to control much of our daily existence. The run allows us to unplug and reboot. Running requires so little, in fact, it can be done naked, I'd say that's a pretty good test for simplicity. Some minimal shodding and covering may add to our comfort and keep us from some puritan violations but all in all, still beautifully simple.

Eat, drink, sleep, love, run,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who ... needs to run.

PS: RUN SCREAM RUN with us at Wiard's Orchard in Ypsilanti on Saturday! Glorious weather, Zombies and other nonsense. 5K, 10K, enter at runscreamrun.com . Late entry on site Friday and race morning.
PS: Run Scream Run raffle to benefit one of Hope Clinic's Care and Share Closet, which provides personal care items and household cleaners to individuals in need. For each donated item get a raffle ticket to win running shoes, gift cards, event entries and cool stuff! Drop off at early registration or race day. Donation Items needed: Toilet paper, Dishwashing liquid, High-efficiency (he), powdered laundry detergent, All-purpose cleaners - Comet, Ajax, Pine Sol, etc., Baby formula - Enfamil in yellow cans, Baby wipes, Deodorant, Feminine hygiene products. (Limit 5 tickets per person) Hope Clinic, serving those in need with dignity and respect.(www.thehopeclinic.org )

PS: Save the Date: October 30th: Grand Opening Festivities will take place at the New Running Fit, Arbor Hills, Washtenaw at Platt Rd., Ann Arbor, run, food, drinks, music, swag!

PS: Run with us in Mexico! February 15 - 22, 2014! Official details to come, express interest here!

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