2013-08-28 - The Fall of Summer

randy runningFunny, even with the temps in the 80's you can still feel fall creeping in. The back to school action is in full swing and for those of you lucky enough to have young runners in the family, cross country meets have started! It seems Labor Day is the dividing line, with the last of the summer races like last weekend's Crim Races in Flint and next weekend's kick off to fall, Run Woodstock, a weekend celebration of this running life.

The crisp, glorious days of fall are a busy time here at Running Fit, we start by clearing out the summer run gear at this weekend's Labor Day SALE and loading the racks with the latest technical fall and winter fashions that help get us out the door as the cold creeps in. I'd call it a shameless plug but our sport requires so little as far as equipment that shopping for a few new items as the seasons change is a simple pleasure with a valuable motivational upside. The excitement we get from new toys never grows old!

Let the leaves fall,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who can't wait for the healing escape of Run Woodstock next weekend and supporting a serious, important memorial for our fallen first responders on October 5th by running Heroes on Hines .

P.S. - When hitting up the Labor Day sales this weekend, put Running Fit on your list! Check out the summer season clearance as we say goodbye to the dog days of summer! 10%-20% off apparel, select apparel up to 50% off, and shoes so cheap you won't believe it!

P.P.S. - Looking for a great fall marathon training run? Join us for a 20 miler at Kensington on September 28, 2013 with aid every 2 miles! More info HERE

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