2013-08-21 - Run Safe

randy runningEvery action we take is about risk and reward. An active lifestyle comes with risk, but offers great rewards. That said, a sedentary life is also risky, especially when you take into account medical issues that come up from lack of activity and psychological issues like lack of self esteem or depression, as for rewards? I often say jokingly, "run fast and take chances." The context for this line always has to do with distance and speed and not personal safety, an example is pushing oneself to the limit in a race or running faster or farther than you think you can.

Compared to most sports, running is a safe choice but we all need to keep safety in mind. When we head out the door a lot of things that can happen to us, by running smart we can avoid most but never all of them.  Wear bright clothing and always run against traffic. If running at night, light yourself up with strobe lights, a reflective vest and a head lamp. Never trust a car, bike or pedestrian and expect the unexpected, look both ways and be aware. Look for safe routes and only wear ear buds in area closed to traffic of any kind. Have great respect for the weather and adjust your run route, clothing and hydration accordingly, especially in extreme heat.

Get out and run safe!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who has enjoyed more than 50,000 accident free running miles together with my wife Kathy.

P.S. My wife Kathy was hit by a car while riding her bike on what would seem a pretty safe 25 MPH road in the park last week by a car full of teenage kids that turned right into her, not allowing even a second to react. Amazingly, after flying 35', she sustained no major or life threatening injuries and is on the mend and will be back out there soon. Blogging a bit on safety is all my mind will allow this week, take care.

P.S. The rumors are true, a new Running Fit will be opening at the end of the week in the Arbor Hills shopping center on Washtenaw at Platt Road across from Whole Foods in Ann Arbor. This weekend will be a "soft" grand opening. More info to come next week as we plan for a full blown grand opening party ... and Run!

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