2013-08-08 - Savor the Pain

randy runningThere are two very different schools of thought out there when it comes to pain, there is the "all pain is bad" gang, the sedentary folks, and the "pain is only bad when I don't have control over it" group, the physically active crowd. We know that pain is not the opposite of Joy because we actively pursue joyful activities, like running a race and accepting the pain as part of what it takes to be fulfilled. The opposite of joy is lack of feeling.

We savor the pain from a hard event, we worked hard to get that totally spent, beat up feeling. The pain reminds us that we deserve some downtime, some well earned rest and relaxation. Unnecessary downtime, like anything in life we don't earn, gives us little satisfaction. I'm sure the sedentary folks get bored with laying around while we see the chance to chill as a precious gift, a bit of a reward that refreshes us so that soon we can leap up and go at it again!

Let's get out there and earn it,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves to wake up with the soreness that reminds me I'm alive and living life to the max.

P.S. Run Woodstock = Run, chill to the music, walk, chill with some yoga, run, chill ... Dig it! September 6-8. Runwoodstock.com

P.S. Running Fit sells a compression/icing product for post-workout pain called 110%, what an appropriate name!

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