2013-07-17 - Running Anniversaries

randy runningI just got back from a sultry run on the trails, I love the way the heat beats me up and rags me out, leaving me with a great sense of accomplishment, dig it. (Shameless plug #1. The Tred-Not Deer fly patch on my hat made the run possible, keeping off the biting flies. Available at Running Fit!)

Today's run reminded me of another hot morning run I took over 30 years ago with my wife Kathy on our wedding day, a tradition that remains intact and I look forward to our anniversary run together this Saturday! (Shameless plug #2. Another great tradition is the sale at Running Fit this week during the art fair. The fair and sale run today until Saturday. Every close-out shoe from all of our 7 stores will be on the art fair tables at serious clearance prices.) My business partner Steve reminds me that if I get married again, not to do it during art fair so I can't use my anniversary as an excuse to take the day off!

Enjoy these summer runs but respect the heat. Look for shaded routes and run short loops that allow you to bail out and cool down at any sign of trouble. Hydrate with more than just water to keep your electrolytes balanced.

Run and shop smart,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves hot runs followed by cold showers!

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