2012-07-04 - Careful out there; there's more than the heat

Yo run gang,


There are risks and benefits that come with the adventure of our active lifestyles, we experience euphoric highs when we reach our goals due to our commitment and the lowest of lows when our hard work fails us, feelings those living in a couch potato haze will never know ... We wouldn't want it any other way.  Adventure, from the Latin "adventura", when the outcome is uncertain, is the at the root of our passion and keeps the fire lit.

We take risks when we head out to train, some we can control by being aware of the world around us and others that we can't. Wearing reflective clothing, running against traffic, not wearing headphones, heading to a traffic free shaded trail or park can reduces the risks but are not always options to get the run done. For us multisport athletes the risks increase on the bike and swimming in open water, again we control what we can but we can't control others.  The cold, hard reality of the risks hit last week when we lost a good friend and supporter of all we do at Running Fit. Mary Burrows of Dexter was struck by a car and killed on a training ride. We will miss you Mary.

As you head out to train ... Please be careful out there,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who hopes Mary's death will remind us all to run as smart as we can.

PS: If you love Running Fit, please let the world know by going to this link!  http://running.competitor.com/50-best-running-stores. Thank you!

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