January 26, 2011 - Look of a runner

Yo Run Gang,

It's hard not to notice ...The distance athlete's body has the chiseled look of speed, endurance and movement, even while standing still. Not a body built in a gym but a one with defined muscles sculpted by long miles and hard work. The distance athlete has an uneven tan, tight skin and an outdoor look of challenge and adventure ... Let's get out the door and get this look!
Never, ever, ever hesitate when it comes to the weather, but get excited about the elements and the challenge before you. On Sunday morning I awoke to a single digit day that had me stalling for a few more degrees before heading out. Finally out the door I was greeted by a brilliant sunny day, light winds and was soon warm, in rhythm, enjoying every step and thinking, I should have done this sooner and saved the mental energy!
Let it rip,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner who's excited to get the look but for now is content with being a work in progress!

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