March 24, 2010 - Core Tricks

Yo run gang,

When the run is going well, keep going! Dont get hung up on your schedule or the distance you had planned to run. When the run sucks, head for home and try again tomorrow. Listen to your body during training runs But never listen to your body during a race, especially a long race!

I always tell people the cool thing about being a runner is that I never have to exercise! The truth is, as runners, our core needs attention Dang. I find it especially difficult to get in a core workout while Im increasing my mileage, Im too beat up at the end of my runs to consider more work. I go to this link when I need motivation to work the core, it is the tips you all once sent me! CLICK HERE FOR CORE TRICKS!

Yikes! The Martian Invasion or races is 2 weeks from Saturday! We are in need of some pre race volunteers on Thursday April 8th and Friday April 9th allowing you to still run on Saturday, or to volunteer even more! Remember, when you volunteer at a Running Fit race, you get a $30 credit to use for any of our events along with a cool shirt and occasionally other swag, not to mention entry to our wild volunteer run and party in June! Play hooky, have fun, volunteer!

Run, volunteer, run,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who loves it when he gets to pass his house at the end of a run and keep on going!

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