Train to be a hero

More American deaths in Iraq this weekend. As the problems of the world continue around us we must be thankful that we can still lace up our shoes and go for a run. Running gives us the chance to pray, think and to be at peace. No, we're not running away from lifes problems but running offers us a medium to put this life in perspective.

I think its our duty as American citizens to stay healthy and fit. To be able to help in a crisis, we need our mental and physical health. Unhealthy and abusive lifestyles create a burden for society.

I believe its a moral obligation to do the best we can and to be the best we can.

I awoke Sept. 11, 2001 and turned on CNN to watch Police; Fire and rescue workers start an unending marathon of action. Endless dangerous and exhausting shifts with no end in site. The physical and mental pressures were hard to Imagine, knowing that every minute that passed the chances of saving lives decreased. The unfolding situation struck us all as we watched from afar. If it were in our backyards, would we be ready? Running gives us cardiovascular fitness, increased endurance and energy. Running increases our self-esteem and self-efficacy. Training and racing help us to learn long term goal planning. Distance running teaches us patience. Running leaves us prepared for the best and the worst. Would you want to be the person helping or the one who needed help? Be prepared.

Let the market crash, we can still lace up our shoes and go for a run. Those of us who run know how true this statement is. In good times and in bad we can go for a run. Unlike other sport pursuits, running is recession proof. Compared to green fees, lift tickets and equipment or travel-laden sports, running is simple and cheap. Consider car or yacht racing and the picture becomes clear. During a personal financial crisis we may put off a trip to the Honolulu marathon but it wont stop us from heading out our own back door to experience the joy of the long run. No matter how bad things get, we can scrape up a few bucks a year for the simple pleasure of buying some new shoes and were off.

There is a great sense of security knowing that our financial position will not affect our running, a major piece of our lives. This secure feeling allows us to pursue life with more confidence and to take greater risks, risks that can bring greater rewards.

Some days I feel like I push running like the fuller brush Christians handing out their religious pamphlets door to door. Actually most days I do Believe it or not, there are still people out there who dont run! Seriously though, I am thankful I have found running and what it has done for my life, its only natural to want to share this with others.

The mental strength we gain from endurance sports will make us survivors. We will find a way. In the mean time, if we can run, you will see us out there 24/7 spreading the word and setting the example!

Now dont you want to head out and get in your miles?

Run Forever, Randy Step

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