2024.07.17 - Run or run again

The response to my email discussing my running being sidelined brought forth a deluge of responses with similar stories. Just letting you know, those of us facing medical nightmares are not alone. Stories of running through or trying to return to running after chemo, radiation, heart attacks, and trauma that included broken bones, brain injuries and so much more filled my inbox. The recurring theme, our running prepares us for pain, but also turns us into survivors, giving us the tools to fight our way back. Tools like persistence, patients, and hope. Running also teaches us that every healthy day is a gift not to missed.

Run smart, recover smart, so we can run forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who thanks you all for caring, and for those of you on the sidelines, I am cheering you on to fight the good fight. The rest of you, get your butt out that door!


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