2017-04-12 - Share the gift of running

randy coldsunnyOur running is a gift, a tool for coping with the world when things get ugly. That said, when it comes to our running, we need to be careful to not keep it on a pedestal, never beating ourselves up about how our run went. We set goals, sometimes we hit them and sometimes we blow them but it's important to remember that running is what we do for fun and to escape. There is never a time to get overly upset about our performance, we win no matter how our run goes. The run itself is our success. When we line up to start a race or make our way out the door for our daily run, that is enough of a reward. Anything above this should leave us humbled. How to repay the running gift? Share it, invite a sedentary friend out the door, even for a walk... then pick up the pace, ha! Seriously, you can be the inspiration. Another way to give back to the sport is to volunteer at an event and make it possible for others to experience the success we get with every run!

Share your gift today,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner... Who will be working the Martian Invasion of Races next week and would love to have you join me to make it a success. Click this volunteer link, or come and run... either way, we win!