Obsessed Runner Blog

2013-12-18 - Run Local

randy runningI find some magic in buying Michigan products and the whole, do, shop, eat and give back local trend. Yes, when we help the local economy we do help ourselves but it's much more than that, I find it adds to the quality of life and makes me feel rooted. I love farm to table trend in restaurants letting me know about local ingredients used, it absolutely adds to my dining experience.

That said, when the Running Fit event department team came up with the idea of a run/walk series that would promote and support Michigan products I was excited. When I found out it would center around Michigan craft beers, wines and hard cider I was ecstatic!

Mark your calendars for "The Thirsty 3", the not so serious Michigan run series that starts with the "Hightail to Ale 5K" Friday night from Atwater Brewery in Detroit on May 2nd followed by "Running Between The Vines" Half Marathon and 5K at Sandhill Crane Vineyard August 16th, 20 miles west of Ann Arbor and finishes with "The Scrumpy Skedaddle 5K & 10K", October 5th,  from the home of J.K.'s Scrumpy Organic Hard Cider in Flushing, MI. Post-race parties will include pairings of local fun drinks, fun food and great live local entertainment! Registration will open at 2PM, Thursday, December 19. Visit the websites listed above for more information and registration!

Live it up locally,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed local runner who is Pure Michigan Proud! I love this place!

PS: HAPPY HOUR! Does the Thirsty 3 sound like your kind of series? If you enter the entire series at once, SAVE $10 off your registration with the online code HAPPYHOUR. This discount will run from Thursday, December 19th at 2PM until Friday, December 20th at 9PM. Make sure to share with your friends because it's no fun running or drinking alone! Registration will open HERE at 2PM Dec. 19.

2013-12-25 - Dashing through the snow

randy snowshoeOh, the weather outside is frightful ... but you might as well trick the family out for a walk around the block! Bundle them up and the gang will be laughing all the way! Be the catalyst for fresh air, fit, fun, be subtle at first, then talk the adventure up like it's Shackelton's expediton to the south pole and worth braking away from the PS4!

We live in a winter wonderland, why not start a Christmas day, Pure Michigan tradition that includes going toe to toe and getting slapped around by mother nature ... and when you dash back inside, the fire will be so much more delightful!

Run, run, Rudolf,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who's always thinking of ways to get people to ... Ho, Ho, Go!

2014-01-01 - Be A Better You

randy snowshoeI’ve had some success over the years with New Year’s resolutions. I’m sure we can all think of 50 bad behaviors we’d like to change but I find if you get it down to one or two that seem like they have realistic possibilities for success we have a good shot at tweaking this life for the better. Let’s make a commitment to ourselves and have the courage to start. Yes, we can change.

A big one for me was giving up my daily Pepsi or Coke, I’ve been soft drink free for 9 years. One of this year’s resolutions is to strictly keep my fitness log. I know that when I do log my miles of running, biking and swimming, it gives me tremendous motivation and keeps me honest with myself. My other commitment is to a minimum of two yoga sessions per week, I’m hoping for 3 sessions but I know how hard it is for me to schedule the time for non-aerobic activities. I’m also shooting for not having more than 2 drinks on school nights … but I know this one will be difficult when out with good friends. The trick is to have the courage to start and getting the streak going, the longer the streak, the more it will drive us to success.

I’d love for you to share your one most realistic resolution with me, I’ll post a link to the list in a future midweek, perhaps we can motivate each other to greatness. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject: "resolution". (Please, just a one liner)

Be a better you,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner and a work in progress.

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