Obsessed Runner Blog

2023.06.14 - Runner's Block

randy bike2After all these years of running, I still have days like today, where I’m trying to head out after 2 days off from running, where I feel nervous and worried, as if I may have forgot how to run or that the 8 miles I plan to run is an intimidating distance, even though it’s not even my weekly long run . These are not rational thoughts, my best way to explain it is that it is a similar feeling of when I have writer’s block. As I always say, I’m writing my midweek thoughts to myself, hoping to strike a chord with some of you … Now I’m nervous thinking it’s just me and you are thinking, what the hell is he talking about. Ha. The run went fine, duh.

Don’t overthink it, just get your butt out the door,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner and at times bit of a head case … but usually just for a couple minutes, until the run does its magic and I realize I am powerful and confident, one with the Gods! I just hope you get the idea! Ha.

2023.06.07 - An Honest Run

freep2I seem to be seeing more stories of runners cheating by cutting courses during races. If true, this strikes me as just sad. Running itself is so pure and honest, we run, and the distance and times, slow, fast, meeting our goals or being disappointed, tells our story. Each run becomes part of us and the rich history of our running life, if we cheat any of it, we ruin all we have achieved. That said, our personal bests can never be taken away from us, they are ours to take pride in and tell stories about, right up to our last breath! And the runs that went bad, and how we delt with them, or how we accepted them, are the learning experiences that make us who we are. Through pain, we grow.


Run true, it’s what we do,


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who will be camping and running trails this weekend! Join me!


2023.06.04 - Run Challenges

Randy Racing GearThanks to the Head Goat 50k in May challenge from RF Events, I have not missed a day of miles in 30 days! Not easy for anyone in this busy life, but the challenges do make it fun and help make it happen. Kind of a throw back to 2020, but a residual that has found a spot for many runners, including me. The FB group has been wonderfully supportive, more than I could have imagined. Unlike running in a race, no matter what your pace or the miles you put in, everyone in the group is doing their own thing and are in essence, all equals, doing what they can and everyone cheers each other on. If you have not done a challenge, or have not one in a couple years, they are still here for you! The June challenge is next, so join us as we tour Michigan in the Stay-Cay Challenge! I promise, a refreshing poke to your running life.

Enrich your runs,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who is continually amazed at how much I love this sport and the people it attracts, the best people, like you!

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