Obsessed Runner Blog

December 3, 2008 - Tis' the season of giving.

Yo Run Gang,

Those of us who are passionate runners know that running is truly a gift. Not only does it add to our mental and physical health but our quality of life, our self esteem and so much more. Life without running would be quite different.

Tis the season of giving. As with all that is good in life, we tend to want to share our experiences with others. Unfortunately, our passion for running cant be transferred, the passion must be found by the individual but we can play a part. Yes, we can roll model our happiness and health and can invite the beginning runner (Or potential runner) along for a non intimidating walk/run but we all know, new running gear helps get us out the door and fires up the excitement. When we get a new running jacket, new shoes, new watch we cant wait to get out and play with our new toys. By giving these kinds of gifts, you may light a flame that will burn forever. Just try to find a gift that could beat that!

The Obsessed runners suggested Gifts for the potential runner; of course you get this stuff at Running Fit! (Shameless plug).

New shoes: Yes, shoes are a lousy gift because they will need to be exchanged and fitted correctly. A gift card would be more practical but cracking open a box of fresh running shoes adds a bit of magic. You can always include a card that says, yes, you will need to take these back to the store and get fitted in the right shoes but I could not bring myself to giving you a gift card!

A paid entry to a walker friendly event or the Running 101 class for the beginning runner: Remember your first event when you expected to come in last but ended up far from last and excited to enter another! Include a 5K training schedule (Ive linked one here!). Perhaps the Martian 5k on April 4th would be a fun event. Get the info at www.martianmarathon.com.

A running magazine and gift card: People love magazines and the glossy pictures!

Garmin 205: For the potential runners who is a tech nut. Not a cheap gift, your will guilt them into becoming a runner!

Run, shop, run, shop, run, shop,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner who likes new toys

May 26, 2010 - Minimalism!

Yo run gang,

While playing (running) in the woods this morning, I was again reminded that running really is play time, an escape from the so called "important" activities of this adult life. Running gives us time to be ageless, a time to put our mind, body and soul into an activity with little practical value ... NOT! The late runner philosopher Dr. George Sheehan once said, "running is like religion and play, it resembles art and music, filling an area of life with great importance ... perhaps one of our most important functions, helping us discover and form the self, a place of self discovery"... Running really does ROCK!

Minimalist running is all the craze and the Vibram 5 Toe shoes are leading the retail end of the charge, basically a rubber glove of a shoe, allowing one to run barefoot with some protection of the foot. We don't suggest you go out and start putting in your miles in 5 Toes but to slowly work your way up as the foot strengthens. Running in 5 Toes will help teach your body proper form and will increase foot strength, a worthwhile addition to the runner's arsenal, not to mention, they are just plain fun to kick around in!

Do I dare include a link to a banned Nike ad for minimalist shoes and "Natural" training, we're talking about the "Bare" basics here ... What the heck, (youtube.com/watch?v=m474JNTLKnQ ) If you find this fun, join us at runwoodstock.com .

Get out and play,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner who's idol is Peter Pan!

2011-06-08 - Hot, hot, hot!

Yo run gang,


Much of what is fun in life is fast or dangerous, like running in the heat! Sure it can kill you, like so many things that we do for enjoyment; the alternative is to do nothing! Respect the heat, carry fluid, hydrate, run short, run easy, and run a course you can bail out on quickly.  

An example of this would be running smaller loops from where you start. The upside is you get a great workout in a short time and each hot run gets you more adapted to the heat, making you one tough cookie! Another great thing, a well hydrated body runs smooth in the heat, all the aches and pains seem to disappear and chance of injury goes way down because your muscles and tendons are warm and pliable. Jump in a lake or run a cold hose over your head when you finish, you will feel fully alive and firing on all cylinders while the rest of the air conditioned world lives on in a comatose state of boredom!


Run smart, as usual,


Randy Step, an obsessed runner who loves extremes out near the crumbling edge where life is in full color and not wasted!


  PS: News from Up North

Starting Tuesday June 14th 6:30pm, Running Fit Traverse City Stores will be hosting track workouts at TC Central HS.  Track workouts will be organized by local fast guy (and coach) Eric Houghton.  The very next night the TC Track Club starts its summer series Wednesday: June 15th 6:30pm at TC Central HS. For more info on the TC Track Club series go to www.tctrackclub.com

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