Obsessed Runner Blog

2024.10.02 - Run into the light

It’s official, less than 12 of our allotted 24 hours are in the light. I admit not being a morning person, but it’s currently dark at 7am so yes, even I can be found heading out the door before daylight. That said, there is some magic in heading out in the dark and running into sunrise. Even a short morning run seems to span more than a day when going from night into day, somehow rewarding us with so much more than the sum of its miles and minutes we see on our Garmin/Strava, or whatever. Enjoy every day of this sweet spot, soon, some of us will miss sunrise all together, most likely we will be in the shower as it takes place after the run … A run that will still be totally worth it and rewarding as always!


Run into the sun,


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner whose headlamp is charging, and alarm is set, dig it!


2024.09.05 - Imagine if we all ran

Two weeks ago we celebrated with peace, love and running at Run Woodstock with temps in the 50’s, only to come back to 80 degrees of Hell at Dances With Dirt, how appropriate! It seems like every run comes with a bit of heaven and hell, always hard, always rewarding, not an escape from life but perhaps the best part of life itself. I’m still cruising on an event high no drugs can match. Perhaps it’s accelerated by the counter culture nature of what we do. The sedentary world in their couch potato haze, with screen time hours matching our Strava or Garmin miles, must see us as strange creatures living on the dark side. There is something about this that adds to the bad ass nature of distance runners. We are like members of a gang who have found a world to belong to, a world of adventure that sets our souls free. Dig it!


Run and invite the world to join us,


Randy Step an admitted obsessed runner about to open the door and do what we do. John Lennon said it best :

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will live as one

2024.09.18 - Run Wild

I overheard an older runner saying they don’t run trails because of the risk of falling. The reality is by avoiding trails, their risk of falling increases in day to day life. By running trails, we gain spatial awareness and balance, increasing our proprioception. It’s that use it or lose it thing again … As we age, we need the trails more than ever, and all through life, we need the meditative peace that comes from being in nature.


Run wild my friends,


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runners who just returned from a glorious, misty morning run on the trail. And yes, road is a four letter word.

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